Inside RBTC — Instructor Highlight, Doug Jones

agarciaInstructors, News & Events

The 5 Most Beneficial Things God Gave Us

RBTC Instructor, Doug Jones’ message during Winter Bible Seminar 2018

Get a glimpse into the classroom content and Bible teachings from our outstanding instructors. RBTC Instructors lead the services each morning during Winter Bible Seminar on the Rhema Campus.

Take a closer look as Doug Jones teaches on the subject of Righteousness.

“Love does what is the most beneficial thing that it can do for the recipient at the moment.” —Doug Jones

The 5 most beneficial things God gave us:

  1. Righteousness in Christ
  2. The Holy Ghost
  3. The Word of God
  4. Ministry Gifts
  5. Community, Family, the Body of Christ

Your relationship with these five gifts from God determine how much you advance and thrive as a believer.

Watch the full video to hear the rest of this teaching from Doug Jones!

You can watch all of the Winter Bible Seminar services here:


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