About RBTC.
More than 50 years since our founding, Rhema Bible Training College remains steadfast in carrying out God's purpose of empowering Christians to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Since 1974, we have trained over 123,000 graduates for the harvest. The sun never sets on Rhema graduates ministering around the world, either in the pulpit, on the mission field, or as active believers supporting God's work in local churches. Our alumni have gone forth and together we have established 298 Bible schools in 56 nations around the world.

RBTC Leadership.

School History.
As Brother Hagin traveled in ministry, many times he would cry out to God in the night, "How can I get this message out to Your people?" It began to dawn on him that he would have to train men and women who were just as passionate about God's Word as he was . . .

First Students.
At Campmeeting 1974, Kenneth E. Hagin announced that the school would open in the fall—58 graduated in May 1975. Since then over 28,000 have graduated from RBTC USA, and over 93,000 have graduated worldwide.

RBTC Campus Begins.
In 1977 two buildings were purchased to start the RBTC Campus we know today. Now RBTC has campuses all over the world. View all the RBTC campuses by clicking here.

Campus Expansion.
Since then RBTC campus has grown and become a beacon of light of God's Word and Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our graduates have surged forward to tell others all around to have faith in God.

To Last a Lifetime.
Over 50 years later RBTC students continue to train with a specialized curriculum to answer their call and fulfill God's plan and purpose for their lives.

The Mandate.
At Rhema's graduation in May 1979, Kenneth E. Hagin spoke the following prophecy over the graduates:
What is that sound? What is that sound that I hear? It's the sound of many feet. It's the sound of beautiful feet. It's the sound of feet going forth with the Good News.

Apply Now.
We try to make the application process as easy as possible.
Choose Spring or Fall enrollment.