Inside RBTC — Instructor Highlight, Tony McKinnon

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Opening Doors of Opportunity 

RBTC Instructor, Tony McKinnon’s message during Winter Bible Seminar 2018

Get a glimpse into the classroom content and Bible teachings from our outstanding instructors. RBTC Instructors lead the services each morning during Winter Bible Seminar on the Rhema Campus.

Take a closer look as Tony teaches on accessing doors in the kingdom of God.

“Never allow opposition to be the determining factor of whether you’re in God’s will or not.” —Tony McKinnon

There will always be doors of opportunity in our lives.  Some are meant to go through and others are not. We need to cooperate with God and make sure to go through doors in his timing.

4 Keys to Open Doors

  1. Preparation
  2. Prayer & Praise
  3. Partnership
  4. Perseverance

When you go through these doors God has opened to you, you can be faced with opposition. But opposition isn’t an indicator of the will of God. Opportunity always comes with risks, so just listen to the Holy Spirit for instructions.

Watch the full video to hear the rest of this teaching from Tony McKinnon!

You can watch all of the Winter Bible Seminar services here:

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